United by the love for the auditory arts, The Wild Marigolds breathes new life into jazz classics and infuses jazz influences into contemporary music, creating a unique tapestry of the past and the present.

As longtime friends and experienced musicians in their own rights, Wendy, Jay, Jordan and Kevin design soundscapes that are vibrant yet introspective with great chemistry. 

They feature a wide repertoire that resonates with audiences of different ages and deliver them with a brilliant display of creative collaboration and live improvisation, inventing something new every time.

M E E T  T H E  B A N D

Wendy Tan

Jay Lim
(guitar / vocals)

Jordan Scully
(drums / vocals)

Kevin Theseira
(bass / vocals)


V E N U E S  /  E V E N T S    P E R FO R M E D

Copyright © 2021 The Wild Marigolds. All Rights Reserved.